In the event that you use electronic means in relation to your personal data, cookies will be generated in order to provide you with a better service. Cookies are small pieces of information that are sent by the Web site to your browser. Cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive and are used to determine your preferences when you connect to the services of our sites, as well as to track certain behaviors or activities carried out by you within our sites. In some sections of our site we require the customer to have cookies enabled as some of the functionality requires cookies to work. Cookies allow us to: a) recognize you when you enter our sites and offer you a personalized experience, b) know the personal settings of the site specified by you, for example, cookies allow us to detect the bandwidth you have selected when you enter the home page of our sites, so that we know what kind of information is advisable to download, c) calculate the size of our audience and measure some traffic parameters, since each browser that accesses our sites acquires a cookie that is used to determine the frequency of use and the sections of the sites visited, thus reflecting your habits and preferences, information that is useful for us to improve the content, headlines and promotions for users.


Cookies also help us to track some activities, for example, in some of the surveys we launch online, we may use cookies to detect if the user has already filled out the survey and avoid displaying it again, in case he/she has done so. The "help" button on the toolbar of most browsers will tell you how to avoid accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable all cookies. However, cookies will allow you to take advantage of the most beneficial features we offer, so we recommend that you leave them turned on.

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